MidJourney Prompt Beginner’s Guide

Midjourney Artificial Intelligence: The Commander Stands, Looks at the Formation of Soldiers in the Style of Post-Apocalypse

 In the midst of a post-apocalyptic world, a commander stands tall, surveying the formation of soldiers before him. The world has changed drastically since the last time he remembers it, with technology and artificial intelligence playing a significant role in the new society.

As he looks at the soldiers, he can't help but notice the differences between them and the soldiers of the past. These soldiers are equipped with advanced AI systems, allowing them to analyze and adapt to their surroundings in real-time. They are equipped with enhanced vision, hearing, and reflexes, making them nearly unbeatable on the battlefield.

The commander remembers a time when soldiers were merely humans, relying on their own strength and skills to survive. But now, they are aided by technology and AI, making them more efficient and effective in their duties.

Despite the advancements, the commander can't help but feel a sense of unease. He knows that with great power comes great responsibility, and he fears what could happen if the AI systems were to malfunction or be used for malicious purposes.

But for now, he stands proud, leading his soldiers into battle with the help of artificial intelligence by his side. He knows that it is a necessary evil in this new world, and he will do whatever it takes to protect his people and ensure their survival.

Prompt midjourney artificial intelligence : the commander stands, looks at the formation of soldiers, in the style of post-apocalypse
